Herbal Adaptogens. Natures Best   

What Are Herbal Adaptogens?

Herbal adaptogens are some of the finest herbal substances in the world for a couple of very good reasons: they help to enhance performance and are used to reduce the effects of stress. There are many, many other benefits of adaptogens. But it starts there. 

Personally, I have used herbal adaptogens in my own life for years and I am much better off for it. 

Panax Ginseng

The reason they are called adaptogens is that they literally help the body 'adapt' to the stresses of life by balancing and energizing. And it's backed by research.

Herbal adaptogens, also called tonic herbs, are herbs that have a non-specific nature, yet can help build your health in some pretty amazing ways. Herbal adaptogens are a prominent ingredient in our InvigorerPlus Energy Formula.

But that's not all they do. They are prized for their broad and far-reaching effects that go well beyond adaptogen status. That's why they are at the very top of the herbal remedy list. They support the body and it's functions in multiple ways which helps with health in general. It's the reason they are called tonic as well as adaptogen.

Herbal adaptogens are so good at what they do that they are now routinely used by Olympic athletes as their 'secret' to increasing performance without having to resort to banned damaging steroids.

While they have been used for thousands of years, in the past several decades, they have been the subject of scientific study which has validated the effectiveness.

Each herbal adaptogen possesses slightly different properties from the rest, and when they are combined in the right way, they become the ultimate health promoting substances.

One of my personal favorites is Panax Ginseng. It's energy performance enhancing properties are well known. But there are many other benefits. I've written a whole article on it here. And for an even more in depth analysis you can go here

Herbs such as Ginseng, Reishi Mushroom, Astragalus, Atractylodes and Codonopsis are among the finest tonic and adaptogenic herbs that nature has gratefully provided for us. These are found in Traditional Chinese Medicine that predates our own medicine by a few thousand years and they have a long history of safe and effective use.

Another favorite adaptogen is Ashwagandha that comes from the Ayurvedic system of medicine in India that even predates Traditional Chinese Medicine.

While the adaptogen herbs can be used on their own, they are every often combined together and where the various individual herbal properties obtain a synergistic effect where they become even more effective at supporting health. 

Synergy is the concept whereby 'the whole is greater than the sum of the parts,' and is found everywhere in nature, but also used effectively in skillfully prepared herbal combinations.

So if you want increased energy as well as improved physical and mental performance, do it the way Olympians and ancient royalty did by way of nature and the adaptogens. And forget the energy drinks! Way too many side effects amongst other negatives.

Instead, look to the tonic and adaptogen herbs to help rebuild and revitalize a tired body. They are safe and effective and have thousands of years of use as proof. 

For an effective energizing and and potent anti-aging natural remedy based on the tonic and adaptogen herbs, go here.